Methods of Wood Carving; Types of Apprenticeship System | Basic 5 Lesson Note

Basic 5 Lesson Note on C.C.A. | Methods of Wood Carving; Types of Apprenticeship System


Topic: Methods of Wood Carving; Types of Apprenticeship System


(i) Methods of Wood Carving

Wood carving is a type of woodworking in which people use chisels, knives, mallets and other hand-held wood carving tools to create figures and designs. Wood carving may be done by hand or machine.

Below are some of the methods employed in wood carving:

  1. Whittling
  2. Chip carving
  3. Relief carvingĀ 
  4. Chainsaw carving
  5. Spoon and bowl carving

Chip carving involves removing small pieces from a flat wood surface with a chip carving knife or chisel via downward pressure.

Relief carving involves carving figures or designs into a flat wooden surface. The figures project only slightly from the background.

Whittling involves shaping a piece of wood with a knife to create a three-dimensional object.

Chainsaw carving involves a combination of woodcarving with modern chainsaw technology to create fast-growing art forms.

Spoon and bowl carving method is a carving method that requires rounded blades to cut out the desired shape.


(ii) Types of Apprenticeship System

Apprenticeship is a form of training that involves learning on the job under the direction of a master or senior worker. It is one of the oldest forms of training.

Types of the common apprenticeship system are:

  • Master craftsmen and apprentice: It is a professional type of craft whereby the master is competent to train others. Before the apprentice starts learning, the parent signs an agreement with the master. Aside from teaching the apprentice handwork and skills, the master also teaches the apprentice morals.
  • Master trader and apprentice: In this type of apprenticeship system, training the apprentice comes from other places and is not part of the family to learn a trade or profession. The apprentice is taught to learn such trades as barbing, cloth selling, hair dressing, car repairs, etc.
  • Father and son or mother and daughter: This is a situation whereby the father or mother is skilled in a particular craft or profession and the children watch and learn the skill until they are very good at it.


Instructional Materials:

Pictures, videos, on-site demonstration

Class Work/Fun: List two methods involved in wood carving

Home Work/Fun: List and explain two apprenticeship systems.

Conclusion: The teacher concludes the lesson by summarizing it appropriately.


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