Practical On Decorative Stitches | Basic 5 Lesson Note

Basic 5 Lesson Note for PVS – Home Economics


Topic: Types and Uses of Simple Sewing Tools & Equipment—Practical on Decorative Stitches


A stitch is the joining of two or more pieces of materials with a line of thread or the moving in and out of needle and thread through a piece or pieces of fabric to create a line of thread that holds the fabric pieces or fibres together.

Decorative stitches are tiny pieces of thread artwork on fabric. They are used for beautifying the fabrics. Decorative stitches are types of permanent stitches.


Types of Decorative Stitches

The following are types of decorative stitches:

  1. Cross Stitch
  2. Chain Stitch
  3. Satin Stitch
  4. Blanket Stitch
  5. Fishbone Stitch
  6. Herringbone Stitch
  7. Feather Stitch
  8. French Knot Stitch
  9. Fly Stitch
  10. Cross Stitch
  11. Stem Stitch


How to Make a Cross Stitch

Cross stitches can help to add special details to a fabric or product. To make a cross stitch, follow these steps:

Cross stitch
Cross stitch


1. Start by passing the needle up through the back of the fabric and bringing it to the front or surface.

Making cross stitch 1

2. Push the needle down through the fabric to make a diagonal stitch, taking it diagonally from the upper side of one end to the lower side of the other end in alignment with the lines drawn over the fabric.

Making cross stitch 2

3. Then move the needle directly below your last stitch. Make sure that it’s also in line with where your first stitch came through the fabric, as you follow the line to make a straight sew.

Making cross stitch 3

  1. Cross over the first stitch to make a single cross stitch. Repeat the steps to make as many cross stitches as you like.


Instructional Materials:

Pictures, videos, on-site demonstration

Class Work/Fun: List five decorative stitches


Home Work/Fun: Make one decorative stitch of your choice.

Conclusion: The teacher concludes the lesson by summarizing it and attending to pupils’/learners’ questions.

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